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Bi-weekly, we bring you The Green Tea by MindsetEco… spilling the T on:

  • Current news and updates from reliable, well researched, sources on the fight against single-use plastic, waste-free initiatives, clean up campaigns and the organizations taking action in the war on waste. 

  • Tips and tricks to make living a zero-waste (or zero-waste adjacent) lifestyle easy. Make big changes by taking small steps. If it’s easy and simple, you can make it a habit.

About MindsetEco and Our Mission.

Our mission is to educate consumers around the world about the growing problem of waste and sustainability.

You don’t have to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle right away. Damn, we know it’s hard but every step you take towards transforming your life, and reducing the waste you produce at home, the better. We are here to help and make this change easier.

We preach minimalism, natural living and reducing plastic waste.


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